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Product Description

A copying machine, also known as a photocopier, is a helpful device that makes exact copies of documents or pictures quickly and easily. It works using special techniques like light, electricity, and ink powder. 



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A copying machine, also known as a photocopier, is a helpful device that makes exact copies of documents or pictures quickly and easily. It works using special techniques like light, electricity, and ink powder. You put your original document on the machine, and it takes a picture of it. Then, it puts ink on the picture and transfers it onto a new piece of paper, creating a copy that looks just like the original.

These machines are very important in offices, schools, and businesses because they make it easy to duplicate important papers, reports, or images. They're much faster and more efficient than doing it by hand, which is why they're so useful for making copies of documents.

The Indian Standards Bureau (BIS) wants to make sure copying machines are safe and work well. So, they made a rule that says all copying machines must be registered under a scheme. This means anyone who wants to make a copying machine has to follow the rules in a document called IS 13252 (Part 1):2010. If you don't follow these rules and get your copying machine registered, you can't make or sell them in India.

This is to make sure that all copying machines meet certain standards and are safe for people to use. So, if you want to make copying machines in India, you have to follow these rules and get them registered with the BIS.

Process for BIS CRS Mark Registration

Process for BIS CRS Mark Registration

BIS CRS Registration Documents Required Checklist

BIS Costing Timeline

Under BIS Registration Products ISI and CRS

CRS Mark Certification for Domestic And Foreign Manufactures


The copying machine is now part of the ISI Certification Scheme, following the IS 13252 (Part 1):2010 standard. It's important to know that manufacturers can't import, export, or sell these products in the Indian market unless they have the ISI Mark.

If you need help with BIS ISI registration or getting the ISI mark for Copying machine, Evtlindia is here to assist you. We provide complete support, guiding you through the entire process, including handling all the necessary paperwork at the Indian BIS office. This ensures a smooth and hassle-free registration journey, from start to finish. You can contact us whenever you need assistance, either through email at contact@evtlindia.com or by phone at 9560935898.

EVTL India, located in Preet Vihar, is a trusted certification agency that offers help with a wide range of certificates, including BIS, ISI, WPC, EPR, IMEI, BEE, and ISO. We are among the top consultants in product testing, assisting customers in obtaining various types of compliance and approvals.

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