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  • Mobile-Phones


Product Description

These little gadgets have changed how we connect and do things like work, learn, and have fun. They're like tiny computers that fit in our pockets and have become a big part of our daily lives, giving us quick access to information and keeping us in touch with the world.



Mobile phones, often known as cell phones, are small, portable devices we use to talk to others and send messages. They work without wires by connecting to cell towers. But they're not just for calls and texts; they have screens and can do many things. You can browse the internet, take photos and videos, find your way with GPS, and use all sorts of apps.

These little gadgets have changed how we connect and do things like work, learn, and have fun. They're like tiny computers that fit in our pockets and have become a big part of our daily lives, giving us quick access to information and keeping us in touch with the world.

Since people of all ages use mobile phones, the BIS wants to make sure that they are safe and don't harm people's health. To do this, they have set certain rules. Mobile phones need to follow these rules and be registered according to a standard called IS 1352 (Part 1):2010.

The BIS started this registration process, to ensure that all mobile phones sold in India are of good quality and don't cause health problems for the people using them. This is important to make sure that everyone can use mobile phones without worrying about their safety.

Process for BIS CRS Mark Registration

Process for BIS CRS Mark Registration

BIS CRS Registration Documents Required Checklist

BIS Costing Timeline

Under BIS Registration Products ISI and CRS

CRS Mark Certification for Domestic And Foreign Manufactures

To Know The Process In Detail, Please Visit:

Securing BIS certification for induction stoves is paramount for enhancing safety, quality, and compliance throughout their production and usage. Furthermore, this certification brings forth numerous benefits. It instills confidence in consumers, offering them the assurance of high-quality standards.

The BIS mark signifies quality assurance, alignment with global standards, and streamlines international trade, expanding opportunities in new markets.

Additionally, it sets certified induction stoves, conforming to IS 1352 (Part 1):2010, apart in the marketplace, conferring a competitive edge and facilitating adherence to legal requirements. If you need assistance with BIS ISI registration or getting the ISI mark for mobile phones, Evtlindia is here to assist you

EVTL India, situated in Preet Vihar, stands as a reputable certification agency, extending support for a wide array of certificates, encompassing BIS, ISI, WPC, EPR, IMEI, BEE, and ISO. As one of the leading consultants in product testing, we assist customers in attaining diverse types of compliance and approvals.

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