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Product Description

These batteries are important because they save electricity and are useful for many things, from small devices to big power systems, while also being good for the environment.



bis registration for storage battery is 16270

A storage battery, also known as a rechargeable battery, is a special device that can save electricity and use it when needed. Unlike regular batteries, these can be filled up with electricity again, so they are more eco-friendly and save money.

These batteries are made of parts called cells that contain special liquids. When you put electricity into the battery, it changes the liquid to store energy. When you need the electricity, the battery changes it back from the stored energy. You can find these batteries in everyday things like phones and laptops. They are also used in bigger things like electric cars, where they save power from the sun or wind, and in machines that need a constant supply of electricity.

These batteries are important because they save electricity and are useful for many things, from small devices to big power systems, while also being good for the environment.

Manufacturers of storage batteries must obtain registration from BIS as part of a mandatory registration program. According to the Indian government's regulations, manufacturers are not allowed to produce, keep inventory for sale, import, or distribute products that do not meet the Indian Standard IS 16270:2014. This means that storage batteries need to meet specific standards and undergo the necessary checks before they can be manufactured, stored, imported, or distributed in the market.

Process for BIS CRS Mark Registration

Process for BIS CRS Mark Registration

BIS CRS Registration Documents Required Checklist

BIS Costing Timeline

Under BIS Registration Products BIS-ISI and BIS-CRS

CRS Mark Certification for Domestic And Foreign Manufactures

To Know The Process In Detail, Please Visit:

Manufacturers must obtain registration from BIS as part of a mandatory program, ensuring their products meet the Indian Standard IS 16270:2014. Compliance with these standards is vital as it dictates that only products meeting these requirements can be produced, stored, imported, or distributed in the market. This ensures quality, safety, and adherence to environmental principles.

If you need help with BIS registration for storage battery, Evtlindia is your go-to solution. We offer a range of BIS registration services tailored for storage battery, including BIS certification services and consultancy services.

Evtlindia specializes in assisting manufacturers and importers throughout the registration process, ensuring a smooth and timely experience. Our team's expertise and knowledge provide valuable insights and guidance at each stage, all while maintaining the highest standards of quality and integrity. Customer satisfaction is our utmost priority, and we're dedicated to being available around the clock to serve our clients effectively.

You can reach out to us at contact@evtlindia.com or give us a call at 9560935898.

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