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BIS Certification Consultants For Toys

BIS Certification Consultants For Toys
By Ritika Rathor

What is The Reason For The BIS Certificate For Toys?

BIS certification is mandatory for toys in India to ensure the safety and well-being of children. The primary reason behind making BIS certification mandatory is to regulate the quality and standards of toys available in the Indian market.

Children are a vulnerable group and toys are an integral part of their lives. Poor quality or unsafe toys can pose serious risks to the health and safety of children, including suffocation, sharp edges, toxic substances, and flammability issues. To protect children from these potential hazards, the Government of India has made BIS certification mandatory for toys through the Toys (Quality Control) Order. The government has taken a step forward in this regard, making BIS certification mandatory for companies manufacturing toys for young children.

BIS certification ensures that the toys undergo rigorous testing and meet specified safety and quality standards set by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). The certification process includes a thorough examination of the mechanical, physical, and chemical properties of the toys as well as their flammability characteristics. It also includes testing for compliance with restrictions on hazardous substances.

By making BIS certification mandatory, the government aims to create a regulated market for toys where only safe and high-quality products are available. It helps parents, caregivers, and consumers make informed choices when purchasing toys for children, knowing that certified toys meet the required safety standards.

Overall, the mandatory BIS certification for toys in India acts as a protective measure to ensure the safety and welfare of children, fostering consumer confidence and trust in the quality of toys available in the market.

Understanding BIS for Toys

Introduction to the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)

The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is the national standardization body of India. It operates under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food, and Public Distribution. BIS is responsible for the formulation and implementation of standards across various sectors to ensure the safety, quality, and reliability of products.

Importance of BIS Certification for Toys

BIS certification for toys is of utmost importance for manufacturers, consumers, and regulatory authorities. Here's why:

1. Safety Assurance: BIS certification ensures that toys meet the prescribed safety standards, protecting children from potential hazards and risks associated with unsafe toys.

2. Quality Verification: BIS certification verifies the quality of toys, including their mechanical, physical, and chemical properties, ensuring that they are manufactured to meet the desired quality benchmarks.

3. Legal Compliance: BIS certification is mandatory for certain categories of toys as per the Toys (Quality Control) Order issued by the Government of India. Compliance with BIS certification requirements ensures adherence to legal and regulatory obligations.

4. Consumer Confidence: Toys bearing the BIS mark provide consumers with confidence in the safety and quality of the product. The BIS mark serves as a symbol of trust and reliability.

5. Market Access: BIS certification is often a prerequisite for selling toys in the Indian market. It grants manufacturers access to a larger customer base and improves market competitiveness.

For the purpose of BIS certification, toys have been classified into the following 2 types:

S.NO Type Applicable Primary Standard
1 Non Electric Toys (these are ordinary toys such as rattles, dolls, puzzles, etc. which do not have any function dependent on electricity) IS 9873 (Part 1):2019
2 Electric Toys (these are toys which have at least one function dependent on electricity) IS 15644:2006

There are Two Types of BIS Standards First for Electric Toys and Second for Non-Electric Toys

1. Electric Toys

Electric toys are toys that require electricity to operate. They typically include electronic components, such as batteries, motors, lights, or sound-producing mechanisms. Here are some examples of electric toys along with their types:

How To Get BIS ISI For Electric Tovs?

1. Remote-Controlled Vehicles: These toys are controlled remotely using a handheld controller. They can include remote-controlled cars, trucks, helicopters, boats, and drones.

2. Interactive Plush Toys: These toys incorporate electronic components to provide interactive features. They can respond to touch, make sounds, play music, or have animated movements. Examples include interactive teddy bears, talking animals, or robotic pets.

3. Electronic Learning Toys: These toys are designed to be educational and help children learn through interactive play. They often feature lights, sounds, and interactive buttons to teach letters, numbers, shapes, and other educational concepts.

4. Musical Instruments: Electric versions of musical instruments are available, such as electric keyboards, electric guitars, electronic drum sets, and digital pianos. These instruments often offer additional features like built-in speakers, pre-recorded sounds, and adjustable settings.

5. Electronic Games: These toys include handheld electronic gaming devices, console gaming systems, and electronic game accessories. They provide interactive gameplay experiences with video, sound, and other electronic features.

6. Robotic Toys: Robotic toys are designed to mimic the movements and behaviors of robots. They can include programmable robots, robotic pets, and robot-building kits that allow children to assemble and control their robots.

7. Talking and Interactive Dolls: These dolls feature electronic components that allow them to talk, sing, or respond to certain stimuli. They may have voice recognition, touch sensors, or motion sensors to trigger interactive responses.

8. Electronic Puzzle Games: These toys combine traditional puzzle-solving with electronic features. They can include electronic puzzle cubes, electronic mazes, or electronic memory games.

9. Electronic Building Sets: These sets combine traditional building blocks or construction elements with electronic components. They can include building sets with motors, lights, or sound modules that allow children to create moving or interactive structures.

These are just a few examples of electric toys. The world of electric toys continues to evolve with advancements in technology, offering a wide range of options for children of different ages and interests.


2. Non-Electric Toys

Non-electric toys encompass a wide range of toys that do not require electricity to operate. These toys rely on mechanical, manual, or imaginative play rather than electronic components. Here are some examples of non-electric toys along with their types:

How To Get BIS ISI For Non-Electronic Toys?

1. Building Blocks: These toys involve the use of blocks that can be stacked, connected, or assembled to create structures, buildings, or designs. Examples include LEGO sets, wooden blocks, and magnetic building blocks.

2. Dolls and Action Figures: Dolls and action figures are popular toys that encourage imaginative play and storytelling. They come in various themes, sizes, and materials, such as plastic, cloth, or porcelain.

3. Board Games: Board games are played on a flat surface and involve players moving game pieces according to set rules. Examples include chess, Monopoly, Scrabble, and Snakes and Ladders.

4. Puzzles: Puzzles challenge individuals to solve problems or complete a picture by fitting interlocking pieces together. They come in various forms, such as jigsaw puzzles, 3D puzzles, and brain teasers.

5. Outdoor Play Equipment: These toys are designed for outdoor play and physical activity. Examples include swings, slides, climbing frames, see-saws, and trampolines.

6. Arts and Crafts: Arts and crafts toys stimulate creativity and artistic expression. They include items like coloring books, crayons, markers, paint sets, clay, and craft kits.

7. Vehicles and Transportation Toys: These toys represent various vehicles, such as cars, trucks, trains, planes, and boats, allowing children to engage in imaginative play and role-playing scenarios.

8. Musical Instruments: Non-electric musical instruments include items like guitars, drums, keyboards, xylophones, harmonicas, and tambourines, which encourage musical exploration and creativity.

9. Soft Toys and Stuffed Animals: Soft toys and stuffed animals are cuddly companions made from fabric, often resembling animals or fictional characters. They provide comfort, companionship, and imaginative play opportunities.

These are just a few examples of non-electric toys. The world of non-electric toys is vast and diverse, offering a wide range of options to cater to different interests and age groups.

BIS Standards for Toys and Their Significance

BIS has defined a series of standards under the Indian Standard (IS) 9873 for toys. These standards cover various aspects of toy safety, quality, and labeling requirements. The key standards include:

1. IS 9873-1: This standard focuses on the safety aspects related to the mechanical and physical properties of toys. It includes specifications for dimensions, small parts, sharp edges, strength, and durability.

2. IS 9873-2: This standard specifies the flammability requirements for toys to ensure their resistance to ignition and spread of flames. It addresses surface flammability and flammability of filling materials.

3. IS 9873-3: Migration of certain elements, such as lead, mercury, cadmium, and chromium, from toys, is covered in this standard. It sets limits on the amount of these substances to protect children from potential health hazards.

4. IS 9873-4: This standard focuses on safety requirements for swings, slides, and similar activity toys intended for use in indoor and outdoor family domestic settings.

Compliance with these standards ensures that toys are safe, of good quality, and meet consumers' expectations.

Understanding BIS for toys is crucial for toy manufacturers, importers, and consumers to ensure the safety, quality, and legality of toys available in the Indian market. BIS certification serves as a vital step in ensuring the well-being of children during playtime and fostering consumer confidence in the toy industry.

What are the different BIS standards for toys?

The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has defined several standards under the Indian Standard (IS) 9873 series for toys. These standards cover various aspects of toy safety, quality, and labeling requirements. Here are some of the key BIS standards for toys:

1. IS 9873-1: Safety aspects related to mechanical and physical properties of toys.

This standard covers requirements for the mechanical and physical properties of toys, including specifications for dimensions, small parts, sharp edges, and points, as well as requirements for strength and durability.

2. IS 9873-2: Flammability requirements for toys.

This standard specifies the flammability requirements for toys to ensure their resistance to ignition and the spread of flames. It covers both surface flammability and flammability of filling materials.

3. IS 9873-3: Migration of certain elements.

This standard sets limits on the migration of specific elements, such as lead, mercury, cadmium, and chromium, from toys. It ensures that toys do not pose a risk of exposure to harmful substances.

4. IS 9873-4: Swings, slides, and similar activity toys for indoor and outdoor family domestic use.

This standard focuses on safety requirements for swings, slides, and similar activity toys intended for use in indoor and outdoor family domestic settings.

5. IS 9873-5: Chemical toys (sets) other than experimental sets.

This standard covers requirements for chemical toys (sets) other than experimental sets. It specifies safety requirements for chemical substances used in these toys to prevent harm to children.

6. IS 9873-6: Graphical symbols for use on toys.

This standard defines graphical symbols that are used on toys to provide information or warnings related to their use, maintenance, or safety.

7. IS 9873-7: Finger paints.

This standard covers requirements for finger paints, including specifications for their composition, labeling, and instructions for use.

These are just a few examples of the BIS standards for toys. It is important to consult the latest version of the relevant standards for detailed information and specific requirements related to toy safety and quality.

Understanding BIS Registration Standards for Toys

Overview of the Indian Standard (IS) 9873 series for toys

The Indian Standard (IS) 9873 series comprises a set of standards established by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) specifically for toys. These standards are designed to ensure the safety, quality, and reliability of toys available in the Indian market. The IS 9873 series covers various aspects of toy manufacturing, including mechanical, physical, and chemical properties, as well as flammability requirements and restrictions on hazardous substances.

Specifications for Mechanical, Physical, and Chemical Properties

The BIS standards for toys define specific requirements for mechanical, physical, and chemical properties that toys must meet. These specifications aim to ensure that toys are safe for children to use and do not pose any potential risks or hazards. Some of the key specifications include:

1. Mechanical Properties: The standards set guidelines for the dimensions, sizes, and shapes of toys, taking into consideration factors like choking hazards, sharp edges, and entanglement risks. They also define requirements for the strength and durability of toy components to ensure they can withstand normal play conditions.

2. Physical Properties: The standards outline criteria for physical properties such as colorfastness, stability, and resistance to impact or deformation. They ensure that toys maintain their structural integrity and do not pose any harm due to physical attributes.

3. Chemical Properties: The BIS standards impose restrictions on hazardous substances present in toys. They set limits for the migration of certain elements like lead, mercury, cadmium, and chromium from toys, as these substances can be harmful if ingested or come into contact with children. Compliance with these chemical requirements helps protect children from potential health risks.

Flammability Requirements and Restrictions on Hazardous Substances

The IS 9873 series also includes standards specifically addressing flammability requirements and restrictions on hazardous substances in toys. These standards are crucial in ensuring that toys are resistant to ignition, do not promote the spread of flames, and do not contain harmful substances. They aim to minimize the risk of fire accidents and reduce exposure to toxic substances.

Flammability requirements encompass factors such as the flammability of toy materials, surface flammability, and flammability of filling materials. These requirements help ensure that toys are made from flame-resistant materials and reduce the risk of fire incidents during play.

Restrictions on hazardous substances focus on limiting the presence of toxic elements in toys, such as lead, mercury, cadmium, and chromium. Compliance with these restrictions helps safeguard children from potential health hazards associated with exposure to these substances.

By adhering to the specifications for mechanical, physical, and chemical properties, as well as the flammability requirements and restrictions on hazardous substances outlined in the BIS standards for toys, manufacturers can ensure that their products are safe, of good quality, and compliant with regulatory guidelines.

Advantages of BIS Certification for Toy Consumers

BIS certification for toys offers several advantages for consumers, especially parents, and guardians. Here are the key benefits of choosing BIS-certified toys:

1. Ensuring the Safety and Well-being of Children during Playtime

BIS certification assures toy safety. Certified toys undergo rigorous testing to ensure compliance with established safety standards. They are designed and manufactured with specific considerations for age appropriateness, the absence of small parts that may pose choking hazards, and the absence of sharp edges or toxic substances that could harm children. By choosing BIS-certified toys, consumers can have greater confidence that their children will be protected from potential hazards during playtime.

2. Choosing Toys that Comply with Quality Standards and Regulations

BIS certification signifies that toys have met the prescribed quality standards and regulations. The certification covers aspects such as mechanical properties, physical attributes, chemical composition, and flammability requirements. Consumers can rely on the BIS mark as an indicator that the toy has undergone thorough testing and complies with the relevant Indian standards. BIS certification ensures that toys are of good quality, durable, and built to withstand normal play conditions, providing consumers with value for their money.

3. Recognizing the BIS Mark as a Symbol of Trust and Reliability

The BIS mark on a toy serves as a symbol of trust and reliability. It represents an independent verification of the toy's safety and quality. Consumers can easily identify the BIS mark on certified toys, indicating that they have undergone stringent testing and met the necessary standards. The mark provides peace of mind, assuring consumers that the toy manufacturer has taken measures to ensure product safety and adhere to quality benchmarks.

4. Making Informed Purchase Decisions

BIS certification empowers consumers to make informed purchase decisions. The availability of BIS-certified toys in the market allows consumers to choose from a range of safe and compliant options. The certification provides transparency, enabling consumers to assess the quality and safety features of toys before making a purchase. By considering the BIS mark, consumers can select toys that have undergone rigorous testing and meet the recognized safety and quality standards.

5. Promoting Consumer Rights and Protection

BIS certification contributes to the overall protection of consumer rights. It ensures that consumers have access to safe and reliable toys in the market. BIS-certified toys are subject to periodic surveillance and random testing by the Bureau of Indian Standards, helping to maintain ongoing compliance with standards. In case of any non-compliance or safety concerns, consumers have the right to seek assistance and redressal from relevant authorities.

In summary, BIS certification for toy consumers offers advantages such as ensuring the safety of children, the availability of quality-compliant toys, recognition of the BIS mark as a symbol of trust, the ability to make informed purchase decisions, and the overall promotion of consumer rights and protection. By choosing BIS-certified toys, consumers prioritize the well-being of their children and can have confidence in the safety and quality of the toys they bring into their homes.

Document Required For BIS Certification Of Toys 

Specific document requirements for BIS certification of toys may vary depending on the type and category of toys as well as country-specific regulations. Here is a list of common documents that may be required:
1. Application Form
2. Test Report
3. Technical Documentation
4. Manufacturing Process Description
5. Labeling and marking details
6. Factory Inspection Report
7. Compliance Declaration 
8. Authorization letter
9. Adequate testing facilities
10. Identity proof
Goods or articles  Indian Standard  Title of Indian Standard
Toys IS 9873 (Part 1) : 2018  Safety of Toys Part l Safety Aspects Related to Mechanical and Physical Properties.
Toys IS 9873 (Part 2) : 2017 Safety of Toys Part 2 Flammability. 
Toys IS 9873 (Part 3) : 2017 Safety Requirements for Toys Part 3 Migration of Certain Elements. 
Toys IS 9873 (Part 4) : 2017 Safety of Toys Part 4 Swings, Slides and Similar Activity Toys for Indoor and Outdoor Family Domestic Use. 
Toys IS 9873 (Part 7) : 2017 Safety of Toys Part 7 Requirements and Test Methods for Finger Paints.
Toys IS 9873 (Part 9) : 2017 Safety of Toys Part 9 Certain Phthalates Esters in Toys and Chhildran's Products.
Toys IS 15644: 2006  Safety of Electric Toys. 
Please note that this is a general list, and actual document names may vary. Contact Evtl India for accurate and up to date documentation requirements for your specific bis toy certification absolutely free of cost

You can contact us via email at contact@evtlindia.com or by phone at 9560935898. Feel free to get in touch with us anytime for the support you need.
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