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What is Agmark Licence

What is Agmark Licence
By Mohini Kishore



Agriculture forms the backbone of every country's economy. Throughout history, farming has remained essential for our survival. It's safe to say that without farming, life as we know it wouldn't exist. Agriculture provides employment to a significant portion of the population and plays a crucial role in a country's growth and development. Furthermore, farming, especially when we cultivate trees, benefits the environment. Farming is a blend of science and art, and it serves as the primary source of our food.

However, there's a problem. Some people try to make more money by adding harmful things to our food. To address this issue and ensure people's safety, India enacted the "Agriculture Produce (Grading and Marking) Act" in 1937. This law was created based on advice from agriculture experts. Its purpose is to protect local farmers from unfair treatment and to ensure consumers don't get tricked when buying food.


Now, let's talk about AGMARK. AGMARK stands for Agriculture Mark. In India, AGMARK is like a certificate that confirms our agricultural products, such as fruits, vegetables, and grains, meet high-quality standards. It's essentially a government seal of approval that guarantees the safety of our food.

AGMARK uses different grades to assess farm products like "ordinary" or "good." These grades are known as AGMARK standards. They cover approximately 222 agricultural products, including items like cooking oil, beans, and grains. Getting AGMARK certification isn't mandatory for everything, but if your food meets the requirements, you can obtain this special stamp to show that your products are of top-notch quality.

Process of Agmark Registration

1.     Documentation: To get AGMARK registration, you need to fill out an application form and attach the required documents. You'll also need to pay a fee. The type of documents and the fee depend on the product you're registering. These documents include things like grading fees and processing fees.

2.     Verification: You must have the right facilities and equipment to process the products, and you should have access to a recognized grading laboratory. Once you meet these requirements, you can apply to the DMI (Directorate of Marketing and Inspection) office for a Certificate of Authorization. This certificate is given after they check everything. The verification process usually takes about 30-40 days.

3.     Product Testing: Before you put your product in containers for sale, a qualified chemist will test the raw materials and the final product to make sure they meet the quality standards.

4.     Licence Grant: DMI's field officers will regularly visit and inspect the products you've graded and certified. They compare samples from your place to those in the market to ensure everything is up to the mark.

That's how AGMARK registration works in a nutshell it involves paperwork, making sure you have the right facilities, testing your products, and regular inspections to ensure quality.

Document Required For Agmark Licence

1.     Test Report: You need a copy of a test report from a recognized AGMARK lab. This report shows that your product meets the quality standards.

2.     Firm Establishment Proof: You must show a document that proves your business is officially registered. This could be a registration certificate from the Company Registrar.

3.     Company Details: If your business is a company, you should give a document called the "memorandum of association." It explains how your company works.

4.     Partnership Firm: If your business is a partnership, you need to submit your partnership deed. This is a written paper that says how the partnership should run.

5.     Product Information: Tell them the names of the products you want AGMARK certification for.

6.     Your Details: Include your name, your company or firm's name, and your address.

7.     Product Samples: Give small samples of your products in little packets.

8.     Product Quantity: Tell them how much of your product you made in kilograms last year.

9.     Company Turnover: Also, share how much money your company made last year.

These documents help make sure your product is good quality and meets AGMARK standards.

Basic Requirements

1.     Infrastructure: You should have the right setup and equipment for your work.

2.     Lab Access: You need access to a lab that's officially recognized. Or, you should have your own lab.

3.     Cleanliness: Your place and equipment must be very clean.

4.     Packing: The containers you use for packing should also be clean.

5.     Storage: If you're packing butter, you should have facilities for pasteurizing and keeping it cold.

6.     Quality Control: You need to check the cream and raw materials to make sure there's no weird stuff like animal or vegetable fat added.

7.     Temperature: When making ghee, don't heat it above 110°C.

8.     Qualified Staff: Your workers should be well trained and experienced in what they do. These things make sure your products are safe and of good quality.


AGMARK and its associated certification processes play a vital role in ensuring the quality and safety of agricultural products in India, benefiting both consumers and producers alike. These measures ensure that the foundation of agriculture, which is so crucial to our lives and the economy, remains strong and reliable.

You can contact us via email at contact@evtlindia.com or by phone at 9560935898. Feel free to get in touch with us anytime for the support you need.
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1. What is Agmark?
AGMARK is like a special certificate for farm products in India.
2. Who issues Agmark Licence?
It's given by the Directorate of Marketing and Inspection, which is part of the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare in the Indian government.
3. Who needs Agmark?
AGMARK isn't for individual farmers; it's for the products they grow.
4. Why do we need Agmark?
This certificate tells everyone that the product is good quality and safe to use. It's like a stamp of approval that makes people trust the product.
5. Is Agmark mandatory for spices?
Getting AGMARK is optional.
6. What is the difference between Agmark and FSSAI?
One big difference is that AGMARK is like a certificate for products, while FSSAI is like a company that gives out certificates.
7. What are the products commonly certified under Agmark?
AGMARK covers many things like honey, ghee, butter, spices, wheat, and more. It's like a guarantee that these products are top-notch.

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