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By Mohini Kishore



To make sure products are good for both businesses and consumers in India, we need to set quality standards. The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is like the quality guardian in India. It makes sure products meet these standards and gives them a special mark to show they're good. BIS can check all kinds of things, like products, services, and systems, to make sure they are up to the mark. This helps people trust that what they're buying is safe and of good quality. BIS certification is a must for products that have to follow these standards. Now, let's dive into what the BIS Certificate of Conformity is all about.

Certificate of Conformity (Scheme IV)

BIS now issues Certificates of Conformity (COC) under Scheme-IV, which follows specific rules. These certificates are for products made according to the standards in Indian rules. If you make a product that needs a COC, you must get one from BIS. You also have to put a special COC Number on each of those products. These products should be made with materials that have the BIS Standard mark (ISI Mark).

The government has made some products follow these rules to protect national security, public interest, and to stop unfair trade practices. To get a Certificate of Conformity (COC) from BIS, they first check if the manufacturer's facilities and processes are good enough. They visit the manufacturer's place to make sure everything is okay. For a product to get a COC, the manufacturer needs to meet the rules mentioned in the standard for that product. If the product is made correctly and follows the rules, BIS will give it a COC.

Products Covered under Certificate of Conformity (COC)

BIS has recently included these two products in the COC scheme:

·       Stampings/laminations/cores of transformers (with or without winding)

·       Requirement of Retro-Reflective Devices for Bicycles.

Process of Getting BIS Certificate of Conformity

Getting a BIS Certificate of Conformity (COC) involves several steps:

1.     Documentation: Gather all the necessary information and documents according to BIS rules.

2.     Application: Fill out the application form on the BIS website.

3.     Document Submission: Submit the application with the required documents and fees. Include a test report from a third-party lab for the product sample.

4.     Review: BIS checks all the documents and information you submitted.

5.     Factory Visit: If everything is good on paper, BIS visits your factory to check how you make and test the product.

6.     COC Issuance: If your factory passes the inspection and everything is fine, BIS gives you the Certificate of Conformity.

After you have the COC, you must follow its terms and conditions, along with the Inspection and Testing Plan you agreed upon. BIS also keeps an eye on the market and your factory.

Validity of Certificate of Conformity

The COC is valid for at least one year and up to two years. You can renew it for one year up to five years, but you need to apply for renewal at least three months before it expires.


Process for BIS ISI Mark Certification

Process for BIS ISI Mark Certification

To know the process in detail, please visit:

ISI Mark Certification for Domestic And Foreign Manufactures

Under BIS Registration Products ISI and CRS


The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality and safety of products in India by setting and enforcing standards. BIS certification, marked by the ISI symbol, signifies that products meet these rigorous standards, instilling trust in consumers and benefiting businesses. The introduction of the Certificate of Conformity (COC) under Scheme-IV further enhances quality control for specific products.

It is essential for manufacturers to comply with these requirements to guarantee product quality.

The best way to achieve this certification is by selecting a trusted consultant like Evtlindia. We assist in streamlining the process, ensuring the prompt issuance of your certificate. You can contact us via email at contact@evtlindia.com or by phone at 9560935898



What is BIS Certificate of Conformity? 
A Certificate of Conformity is like an approval from the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). It's given to products that follow the rules mentioned in the Indian Standards. This certificate says that the products are made using materials that have the BIS ISI mark, which means they meet the Indian standards.


What is the difference between a BIS License & a BIS COC (BIS Certificate of Conformity)?
The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) gives permission to manufacturers to put the ISI mark on their products if they meet the right Indian standards. This permission comes in the form of a BIS License, following specific rules.
BIS also provides Certificates of Conformity for products that follow Indian standards.
These certificates are given under certain regulations. To get this certificate, products must be made using materials with the BIS Standard mark (ISI Mark).


What is the process of the BIS certificate of conformity (BIS COC)?
Getting a BIS certificate involves a few steps. First, you need to fill out an application form and provide the necessary documents.
Then, a BIS auditor will visit your factory to check everything. If everything is okay, the BIS authority will grant you the certificate.


What are the Documents required for the BIS COC?
To get a BIS certificate, you'll need specific documents like a business certificate, lab test report, and a list of your machinery and products.
If you want more information about what documents are needed, you can reach out to EVTLINDIA at contact@evtlindia.com or by phone at 9560935898.


What are the products cover under the Certificate of Conformity (COC)? 
BIS has now included two new products that need to follow the CoC scheme:
·       Parts for transformers like stampings, laminations, and cores (with or without winding).
·       Special devices called Retro-Reflective Devices for bicycles.


What is the validity of COC license?
The certificate that says your product is good and safe will last for at least one year and up to two years. If you want to keep it for longer, you can renew it for one year up to five years. But, you should apply for renewal at least three months before it expires.


What is Scheme- IV of BIS?
BIS Scheme-IV is about giving certificates to products that follow the rules mentioned in the Indian Standards. This certificate is called the Certificate of Conformity, and it's given following certain regulations in the BIS (Conformity Assessment) Regulation, 2018.


Who requires a Conformity Certificate?
If you make products that need a Certificate of Conformity (COC) from BIS, you have to get one and only sell those products with a valid COC.
You also need to make sure that all the materials you use have the ISI Mark, which means they follow BIS standards.


What are the products cover under the certificate of conformity?
BIS has now added two new products to this COC scheme: Parts for transformers like stampings, laminations, and cores (with or without winding).Special devices called Retro-Reflective Devices for bicycles.


What are the benefits of conformity certification?
The benefits of a BIS Certificate of Conformity are:
·       Products are made from materials with ISI marks, which mean they meet high standards.
·       Products are of excellent quality according to Indian standards.
·       It keeps consumers safe and healthy.
·       It makes consumers trust the products more.

You can contact us via email at contact@evtlindia.com or by phone at 9560935898. Feel free to get in touch with us anytime for the support you need.
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