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BIS Certification For FMCS Scheme Consultant

BIS Certification For FMCS Scheme Consultant
By Mohini Kishore



FMCS stands for the Foreign Manufacturers Certification Scheme, is a program initiated by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) since the year 2000. This scheme operates under the regulations outlined in the BIS Act of 2016. This scheme is for foreign manufacturers who want to sell their products in India.

It serves as a framework designed to facilitate the certification process for foreign manufacturers, ensuring their products meet the required standards for entry into the Indian market. 

The Foreign Manufacturers Certification Scheme(FMCS) was set up in India in 2000 to make it easier for foreign companies to get BIS certification. Before 2000, only Indian manufacturers needed BIS certification, but now even products from foreign manufacturers must be certified by BIS. The FMCS, as part of BIS, is in charge of certifying products from foreign companies. This certification allows foreign manufacturers to use the ISI Mark, a standard mark, to sell their products in India. Only the FMCD can grant the BIS Certificate for import to foreign manufacturers.

The main goal of BIS is to ensure that the public gets good quality, safe, reliable, and risk-free products. The FMCS Certificate from the FMCD department in India is for manufacturing units located overseas. These units undergo a factory audit to check if they meet all the requirements set by BIS. If the products meet Indian standards, the FMCD issues a license for the BIS ISI mark, also known as the "Standard Mark," which is given to the manufacturing plant. This certification involves regular factory audits and product tests to ensure ongoing compliance.

Foreign manufacturers must also nominate an Authorized Indian Representative (AIR). So, obtaining a BIS Certificate under the FMCS Scheme is crucial for foreign manufacturers to smoothly export and sell their products in the Indian market. For FMCS registration in India, businesses can rely on FMCS certification consultants who specialize in facilitating the FMCS certification process.


FMCS Certification India is vital for foreign manufacturers, and engaging the services of an experienced FMCS consultant ensures streamlined certification requirements that are given below.

  1. Location Requirement: The manufacturing unit must be situated outside of India.
  2. Product Standards: Make sure that your product(s) meet the specified Indian Standards.
  3. Facility and Machinery: Have all necessary machinery and testing facilities at your factory premises.
  4. In-House Testing: Maintain testing equipment and quality control personnel in your in-house laboratory for testing according to Indian Standards.
  5. Scheme Acceptance: Agree to the Scheme of Inspection & Testing (SIT) and pay the annual marking fee.
  6. Terms and Conditions: Accept the terms and conditions of the License for Foreign Manufacturers Certification Scheme (FMCS).
  7. Application Process: Remember to submit separate applications for each product and each factory location.
  8. Exclusivity in Representation: An AIR is allowed to represent only one foreign manufacturer at a time. The AIR cannot simultaneously work with other foreign applicants in the same role.
  9. Avoiding Conflicts of Interest: The AIR must steer clear of any conflicts of interest, especially when dealing with the testing of samples in third-party laboratories.
  10. Educational and Knowledge Requirements: To qualify as an AIR, an individual should possess at least a bachelor's degree. Additionally, the person needs to have a good understanding of the rules outlined in the BIS Act of 2016.
  11. Inclusion in License Documents: The name of the Authorized Indian Representative (AIR) must be explicitly mentioned in the license documents.

The best FMCS agency in India guides companies through this certification journey, ensuring compliance with FMCS standards, especially in sensitive industries like chemicals. To initiate FMCS, companies must undergo FMCS registration in India, with services available in key locations like Delhi. FMCS certification consultants provide essential services, aiding in the smooth certification procedure and ensuring that products align with Indian standards for a successful market entry.


Foreign manufacturer certification through the FMCS involves a well-defined process for BIS certification, requiring the submission of specific documents for FMCS approval. The process for BIS certification under FMCS includes careful inspection, verification, and adherence to a mandatory product list. The FMCS Certification Process follows simple steps to give a license to foreign manufacturers.

1. Apply Online and Submit Documents: Begin the process by completing an online application and providing all necessary documents to support your request.

2. BIS Verification: The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) carefully reviews your application to ensure it meets all requirements. If any information is missing or incomplete, they will communicate with you via email.

3. Application Approval: Assuming your application is complete and satisfactory, BIS officially records it and assigns a unique reference number for your future use.

4. Factory Visit and Inspection: A BIS Officer will schedule a visit to your factory on a pre-agreed date. During the visit, they inspect your manufacturing processes, evaluate your testing infrastructure, and may conduct product tests in your in-house laboratory. The officer also collects samples, seals them, and sends them to an independent laboratory for further testing.

5. Sample Testing Process: The collected samples are sent to the BIS Approval Laboratory, where thorough testing takes place. The charges for these tests are to be paid by the applicant.

6. License Granting: Upon receiving a satisfactory inspection report and a positive test report conforming to Indian Standards, the applicant is required to pay the License fee, advance minimum Marking fee, and settle any outstanding dues. Following these payments, BIS issues an official letter granting the License for the relevant product.

Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) ISI Certification Process for Indian Manufacturers follows two distinct procedures:

1.     Normal Procedure

2.     Simplified Procedure

1.     Normal Procedure:

In this process first you have to prepare for BIS Certificate requirements, including setting up in-house labs and preparing products as per Indian Standards. After that BIS officials conduct a thorough inspection of the products and the factory/industry. Sealed samples are sent for testing at BIS-approved laboratories. If the product passes all tests, the BIS issues the certificate in 60 to 65 days from the application submission.

2.     Simplified Procedure:

In this process first, you need to submit the report of samples already tested and approved by BIS as per Indian Standards. Then you have to fill out the BIS online registration application, pay the BIS FMCS Certification Cost, and submit other required documents. After that BIS officials conduct an inspection during the scrutiny of application documents.  Then sealed samples are sent for testing at BIS-approved laboratories.

If the samples are verified and approved according to the standards, the BIS grants the certificate within 35 to 40 days of application.


1.     Factory/company registration documents

2.     Flow chart of the manufacturing process

3.     Manufacturing capabilities in-house and also outsourcing agreement of manufacturing operation, if applicable.

4.     Adequate facilities for testing

5.     Quality Control Parameters and their records

6.       Accept the Scheme of Testing and inspection and Annual Marking fee, laboratory product testing report and other information as per BIS norm and so on. The list of documents is quite tedious and can be obtained from BIS.        


FMCS BIS is essential for products under FMCS, especially for industries like chemicals where adherence to FMCS standards is imperative for market acceptance. A comprehensive mandatory products list for FMCS is established to ensure that only certified products meeting specific standards enter the Indian market. FMCS covers a lot of different things. It includes everything from strong steel used in industries to food items and clothes.


Getting an FMCS license brings several advantages.

  1. BIS Services for FMCS: The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has been offering services for the Foreign Manufacturers Certification Scheme (FMCS) since 2000, following the BIS Act of 2016 and its associated rules.
  2. Indian Mark Usage: With FMCS, a foreign manufacturer gets permission to use an Indian mark on their product if it meets the Indian standards.
  3. Applicability of the Scheme: This scheme applies to granting licenses for all products, except for electronics and IT products that have been notified by Meity.
  4. License Issuance Authority: The FMCS license is granted by the Foreign Manufacturer Certification Department (FMCD), located at the BIS Headquarters in New Delhi.


Securing a BIS license under FMCS is a mandatory requirement for foreign manufacturers, and the procedure for FMCS certification must be followed meticulously to facilitate the entry of foreign products into the Indian market, BIS for foreign manufacturers plays a pivotal role in maintaining quality and safety standards.

For foreign manufacturers eyeing the Indian market, the Foreign Manufacturers Certification Scheme (FMCS) becomes crucial. This scheme, operated by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), ensures that products meet the required standards for import into India. Obtaining a BIS certification for foreign manufacturers is a vital step, and the process involves submitting specific documents to the FMCS agency.

If you are in Delhi, and seeking FMCS certification services, enlist the expertise of an FMCS consultant to navigate the intricacies of the certification procedure. For professional guidance and assistance, consider FMCS certification consultants like EVTLINDIA who provide reliable FMCS certification services tailored to meet the unique needs of each business.

If you need assistance, please feel free to reach out to us via email at contact@evtlindia.com or by phone at 9560935898. We're always here to help.

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