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EPR Certificate Consultant Plastic-Waste Battery-Waste E-Waste

EPR Certificate Consultant Plastic-Waste Battery-Waste E-Waste
By Ritika Rathor

EPR Certificate Registration Consultant (Evtl India)

EPR (Extended Producer Responsibilities) refers to a policy-based approach that aims to vest potential waste generators with a liability of handling pre-consumer and post-consumer waste. EPR authorization is granted against the modalities underpinned by the entities for effective waste management. EPR is a giant step towards a circular economy and perhaps the only viable solution for the effective management of plastic and electronic wastes. The prevailing legislations like Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016 and Electronic Waste Management Rules, 2016 have provisions regarding the EPR and its authorization.

EPR Certificate for Import | EPR Certificate Meaning

EPR stands for Extended Producer's Responsibility. EPR Certificate is mandatory for Indian Manufacturer / Importer of products for E-waste management. EPR Authorization process is given by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) under MoEFCC, Government of India.

Evtl India - Delhi's award-winning compliance service provider with experience of 10+ years assured to complete the process effortlessly by focusing on time constraints, transparency, and client convenience. Moreover, we ensure flexibility and adaptability to meet your expectations and to provide expected results. 

That makes us the finest EPR consultancy service provider who gives importance to transparency and is responsible for systematic EPR certification.

What is EPR Registration in India?

With the growing of Electronic Waste and Plastic Waste, governments have reviewed available policy options and concluded that placing the responsibility for the pre-consumer and post-consumer phase of certain goods on producers could be an option. In principle, delegating such responsibility may provide incentives to prevent waste at source, promote product design for the environment, and support the achievement of public recycling and materials management goals. EPR Registration in India is a legal consent granted by the competent state authorities to the entities falling under the legislation mentioned above.

EPR Registration For Purpose and Benefits

Even though the EPR Authorization is mandatory for Electronic-Electrical Equipment (EEE) and Plastic Producers, it renders an array of benefits to business owners. Some of these benefits include:

EPR authorization Consultant allows entities to have better clarity over how the waste should be collected, treated, recycled, or disposed of.

Decrease the number of other waste disposal methods such as disposal by burning or burying- by another way of disposal such as destroy by burning or burying produce formaldehyde, hydrogen chloride, sulfur dioxide, dioxins and furans, dioxins and furans are more dangerous when inhaled as gases and land structure gets damaged respectively.

EPR authorization positively impacts the company’s image and goodwill. Having EPR authorization at disposal means that the company is committed to sustainable use of resources and reducing waste coming from their products.

There are definite EPR measures under prevailing legislation regarding waste segregation and disposal that eventually prevent the mobilization of waste to open landfills. EPR authorization management apt segregation and disposal of wastes for entities either individually or via some agencies.

Producers can be financially incentivized to design more sustainable and environmentally friendly products when facing financial or physical stress of recycling their products. Benefits of Extended Producer Responsibility

This leads to improved waste segregation, higher recycling rates, and a reduction in the amount of waste sent to landfills. Cost Reduction:- Implementing Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) registration can lead to cost savings for businesses.

EPR Consultant India Plan reduces the effort of local municipalities for the physical and financial requirements of waste management.

Types of EPR Registration India 

EPR for E-Waste Management And Handlings:  Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is the responsibility of every producer of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) for channelization of e-waste to an authorized (dismantler/recycler) to ensure environmentally sound management of such waste. EPR authorization is mandatory and has to be obtained by all the producers including importers, e-retailers/online sellers/e-bay, etc. of EEE covered in E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016.

EPR P-Waste Management And Handlings:  According to the Rules of Plastic -waste management Rules 2016, it is the responsibility of EPR Registration for plastic waste refers to the responsibility for the management of the disposal of products by producers once those products are designated as no longer useful by consumers. Its main objective is to develop an effective and efficient system that takes care of the collection, segregation, and transportation of the material to the waste disposal facility which is approved by the SPCB and CPCB as a PRO Agency.

EPR Battery Waste Management:  EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) for Battery Waste Management is like a set of rules. It says that companies that make batteries have to take care of those batteries even after people use them up. They need to make sure the old batteries are collected, recycled, or thrown away safely so that they don't harm the environment or people's health.EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) for Battery Waste Management is like a set of rules. It says that companies that make batteries have to take care of those batteries even after people use them up. They need to make sure the old batteries are collected, recycled, or thrown away safely so that they don't harm the environment or people's health.
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Who can apply for EPR Registration?

EPR Authorization Certificate is mandatory for every manufacturer, producer, consumer, bulk consumer, collection centers, dealers, e-retailer, refurbished, dismantler and recycler involved in manufacture, sale, transfer, purchase, collection, storage and processing of E-waste or electrical and electronic equipment & Plastic waste, including their components, consumables, parts and spares which make the product operational.

Is it mandatory to obtain EPR India Registration?

Yes. It is necessary for Producers, Importers, and Brand Owners (PIBOs) to have an EPR certification.

Product Categories for EPR Registration (E-Waste)

There are 7 major products categories which require EPR Authorization in India:

  1. Information Technology and Telecommunication Equipments
  2. Consumer Electrical and Electronics
  3. Large and Small Electrical and Electronic Equipment
  4. Electrical and Electronic Tools (With the exception of large- Scale Stationary Industrial Tools)
  5. Toys, Leisure and Sports Equipment
  6. Medical Devices (With the Exception of All Implanted and Infected Products)
  7. Laboratory Instruments

Categories of plastic packaging under EPR

Category I- Rigid plastic packaging

Category II- Flexible plastic packaging of single layer or multilayer (more than one layer with different types of plastic)

Category III- Multilayered plastic packaging (at least one layer of plastic and at least one layer of material other than plastic)

Category IV- Plastic sheet or like used for packaging as well as carry bags made of compostable plastics.

EPR Registration Process in India

EPR India Registration for Producer, Import & Brand Owner (PIBOs) involves the following steps:

Step-1: Online Application filed by PIBOs check the electronic equipment list in schedule-I and prescribed plastic category in management rules. If you are engaged in producing the electrical and electronic equipment and plastic waste mentioned in the list, proceed for the EPR Authorization procedure.

Step-2: The producer shall make an application on online portal for the grant of EPR authorization. The application must be made within a period of 3 months (for E-Waste) and within a period of 1 month (for P-Waste) starting from the date of commencement of these rules to State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) when you are selling the product in one state and to the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) when you are selling the product in more than one state.

Step-3: Once the EPR India application is received by the respective board, the application for EPR authorization shall be scrutinized and if found complete in all respects shall be proceeded further or otherwise shall raise inquiry, thereafter on being satisfied that the producer has an effective system to manage EPR in the country, shall recommend granting EPR India Authorization by Central Pollution Control Board.

Step-4: The Registration certificate shall be issued online to PIBOs by CPCB/SPCB/PCC using a digital signature integrated into portal. The portal has a provision for internal processing of applications within SPCBs/PCCs, wherein the Member Secretary, SPCB/PCC shall be the approving authority for issuing the Certificate.

Step-5: The evaluating committee is constituted by the Central Pollution Control Board with the representative members of State Pollution Control Boards or Pollution Control Committees. Such a Committee is constituted after evaluating the State-specific EPR India Plan to get EPR Registration PAN India.

Required for EPR Authorization and EPR Certificate

The procedure for EPR Authorization Registration of Producers, Importers and brand-owners is an online process. Application form it shall be ensured that copy of the following documents in pdf/ jpg/ png file formats is readily available with Applicant:

  • PAN, GST, CIN, IEC ( for importer) of the Company
  • Aadhar/ PAN of Authorized person
  • DIC Registration (if unit registered with DIC)
  • Process flow diagram (for producers only)
  • Total Capital Investment and year of commencement of operation.
  • Scanned copy of signatures of authorized persons.
  • Covering letter
  • Total quantity of plastic products/plastic packaging sales in India, State-wise break-up of sales record for last two FY 2020-21 and 2021-22. (In KG/MT)
  • Details of plastic raw material procured from (supplier) company name, address, mobile number, year and quantity in last two FY 2020-21 and 2021-22.
  • Process Flow Diagram (For Brand Owner/Producer Only)
  • Website of Producer (if not available then we will design the website also as per the CPCB guidelines)

Separate applications need to be filed in case a Brand-owner is also a Producer or importer and vice-versa.

Validity and Renewal for EPR Registration Certificate

EPR India Certificate for Authorization is valid for 5 years for E-Waste and it can be renewed subsequently. Few documents and fees will be needed to get a renewal.

EPR Certificate for Plastic Authorization shall be valid for a period of one year, and the renewed Registration shall be valid for three years.

Evtlindia Certificate Consultant has a team of professional EPR Authorization Consultants that provide speedy EPR India Services to Indian as well as foreign manufacturers in terms of EPR Registration. Evtl India offers various compliance and approval services for the Indian market.


Evtlindia serves as a trusted EPR Certification Consultant for P-Waste, B-Waste, and E-Waste, assisting companies in navigating India's significant Extended Producer's Responsibility (EPR) regulations. With a focus on electronic waste management, plastic waste and packaging, and battery waste, Evtlindia provides clear and honest support to streamline the EPR certification process. The consultancy's commitment to making compliance more accessible ensures businesses meet Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) requirements.

Explore comprehensive EPR Compliance Solutions in India to ensure that your business not only meets but exceeds the necessary environmental responsibility standards. Avail the Best EPR Consultant Services to receive expert guidance on EPR compliance, helping your business contribute to sustainable and responsible electronic waste management practices.

Benefit from the expertise of Leading EPR Certificate Consultants to streamline your certification process and ensure that your business adheres to environmental responsibility standards. Our EPR Compliance Consultancy in Delhi provides businesses with tailored solutions to address specific compliance challenges and ensure adherence to EPR regulations.

You can contact us via email at contact@evtlindia.com or by phone at 9560935898. Feel free to get in touch with us anytime for the support you need.
EVTL India Services

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EPR Consultant In Indian States 
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